Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday August third

tonight I sm kind os feeling ill. not really sure why but I am sure it won't last long. A little about myself.
I have 2 beautiful childrn and they are great , I try to be a good dad for them though sometimes I dont feel I am ,, They stay with their mother my ex wife .. I feel cheeated and really missing out on their growing up.My ex gas had a few boy friends since she locked me out of my own house , She said she needed a little space, Sire I said , Abd went across town to spend some time with my mom, not thinking anything about it..
I come back home to to find she had changed the locks on my doors. I was numb. we had been married for 10+ years kids small at the time 5 and eight,,,.She had cheated on me I was told by a a close friend she gad confided in, and it hurt alot.
I could not believe it . and shes had "boyfriends" ever since. She has breally changes its been un real . I have only been avle to go into my house one time since only because a judge told her she had to,,and she proclaims to be "in Christ " I really feel cheated and missing out on my kids formable years,,
Real christian example she is showing our children ,She is nice to everyone EXCEPT the shildrens father... 2 faces, one she leads with the kids around one she lead when they are not around. like sleeping with these men, though she tell our kids she sleeps only on the couch...
It really makes me ill to know she is leading this double life and can not wait for the kids to figure her out.
I have not had any women in my life because we took a vow sayong forsaking all others and keeping ourselves to just one another,,,I have held up my end.. She has not.
I wanted to break the divorce chain ,,And not have my kids go thru what I had,,
I know tonights a downer entry but its whats on my mind,,, right now,,
I like all kinds of music mostly rock and country no rap really and nothing angry.
love NFL Go CHIEFS even when they aren;t doing so well. and I like our KC ROYALS thru good and bad too..Always like to wha I call the Good Guys win , Chiefs or Royals....
thats all for tonight