Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Night July 25 2009

My son and I just finished watching John Cenas Movie 12 rounds.. It was you typical
shoot 'em up and crash cars action movie , ,But we both liked it ,,I would reccommend it if you want a movie you can get into to some degree,Of course we know who our hero is gonna be but its a fun one to watch with the shooting of the film taking place in New Orleans , Time for bed now ....

Saturday July 25th 2009

Today , the kids and I went downto the neighborhood I grew up on..
We went down to the creek and tried skipping rocks , Some did, some didn't
it was kind of fun. Tyler fellin accidently and got both his feet wet ..up to just below his knees.. So he will definately have to clean up tonight before bed.