Monday, August 17, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

SAturday JUly 8th 2009

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jayde's Blog: Jayde's Blog: WOW AN AWESOME PROGRAM



Vent or Rant, or though

Here is that that will probably change over will change in topic  to what ever is my mind at that time

Sunday night July 26th, 2009

Sunday night the kids just left. Pretty good wekend I think,But i feel so cheated out of their lives. I get just this few moments at a time and then its bye , so ya in a couple weeks. Thats not what I envisioned or the promise their mother and I made before God , Until death do you part, She chose to chase the world . not the family.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Night July 25 2009

My son and I just finished watching John Cenas Movie 12 rounds.. It was you typical
shoot 'em up and crash cars action movie , ,But we both liked it ,,I would reccommend it if you want a movie you can get into to some degree,Of course we know who our hero is gonna be but its a fun one to watch with the shooting of the film taking place in New Orleans , Time for bed now ....

Saturday July 25th 2009

Today , the kids and I went downto the neighborhood I grew up on..
We went down to the creek and tried skipping rocks , Some did, some didn't
it was kind of fun. Tyler fellin accidently and got both his feet wet ..up to just below his knees.. So he will definately have to clean up tonight before bed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Saturday Jul 10 2009

It has been awhile sice i have posted . got get back to posting my ideas or rants whatever is on mind the time I write...Trying to also expand my marketing ,,,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17th

Its been awhile since my last post to this site,, I have been working on other things here on line as I get this train start to roll...Come back here often. of my space,or facebook and watch and keep up with updates

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday May 30 ,2009

Nothing much went on today other than going out to our local mall. My daughter had some birthday burning a hole in her pocket..She found her a new game for gameboy DS ithink is.. She liked it ,,so thats good..Its been kind of stressful for everyone it seems this weekend..Oh and mom bought a used car from some friends of ours. I hope it lasts along time.. without giving her trouble..

saturday may 30th

Today is Saturday and the kids are over. i dont really don't have any plns. I think they want to go out to Bass Pro or The Independence Center..We will see what happens..

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday may28th

Thursday night , have been working all night to be able to link to Antonio Colemans site,,hope it works , My brain can't take much more tonight..I am going to start publishing more to thids site as I begin to expand me internt marketing.
American Chopper was on as well as West Coast Customs....2 of my thursday night shows...


My Blog I have again to post to..

May 29th 2009

Thursday evening, Went to school today took a test which we have every week . I have decided i needed to learn a trade .So i am in school to be an electrcian,It will take about another a year and a half before i fininsh but , It will be a good thing to know and hopefully pass on to my knids . That way they will have a good way to support themselves later in life,,